
The computer have become unstable. As the process guardian it's your job to navigate trough the different processes and return the computer to working condition. Beware of erratic code that is unstable and will fail if you touch it. Reach the exit node to clear the cache and return the computer to a stable condition.



  • Keyboard: WASD or arrow keys

  • Gamepad: Left stick


  • Keyboard: Space or CTRL

  • Gamepad: A button

Reset level

  • Keyboard: R or ESC

  • Gamepad: X button


Main menu

It starts out easy...

Don't let the player fall.

Levels get trickier.

About the development

The game was created in 48 hours during Ludum Dare #49. The theme for the competition was "unstable".

This is the first time I participated in Ludum Dare. I wanted the full experience so I joined the the compo category which means you have to do everything by yourself, including code, graphics, story, music, etc.

It started pretty well but got stuck early teaching myself Unity's new "input system" on the first day. During the second day, there were tough priorities, but almost everything I originally planned was done. Then I just wanted to compile and publish to the web... but it refused to work. Luckily I had plenty of time. A little over two hours later, I had to lift everything into a new project. Submitted my contribution with 10 minutes to the deadline!

Post compo

During the play and rate period I received some important feedback. An improved version that solves some of the issues found in the compo version have been released.

Version 1.1 (2021-10-23) change log

  • Better detection if player is grounded.

  • Visuals indicate if player can jump.

  • Player can no longer partly land on an edge.

  • Player is a bit faster and feels more nimble.

  • Level is less bright and shiny.

  • End of level animation improved.

  • Game can be started with controller.

  • Corruption spreads on failure.

Version 1.0 (2021-10-03)